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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  November 29, 2010 2:05am-4:30am EST

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it took 12 stitches to close the cut. >> mr. obama can also expect some more rough and tumble plays tomorrow when he sits down with republican leaders who will soon take charge of the house. john hendren is joining us now from washington with a preview. hi, john. >> reporter: good morning, rob and mike. president obama is still on the mend from that basketball injury, that elbow to the face. and he'll still be recovering on tuesday, when for the first time since the election he greets newly empowered republican leaders at the white house. president obama, his face visibly battered, might have more sharp elbows coming. tuesday's white house summit has all the makings of a post-shellacking showdown. in one corner, on home turf, president obama. on the other, republican senate leader mitch mcdonnell and john boehner, next speaker of the house, once famously combative. >> hell, no, you can't! >> reporter: president obama, now weakened, wants cooperation. an alliance of opposites. >> i hope that we can work together, democrats and republicans and independents
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alike. >> reporter: but will republicans, now sharing control, also opt to go from confrontation to cooperation? >> it's a lot easier to run as a party of no than when you do control one of the branches. >> reporter: they'll talk top priorities. funding the government. passing routine but often contentious spending bills. extending the bush tax cuts. republicans want to keep them all. democrats want cuts for the middle class. if things go well they could talk about renewing the s.t.a.r.t. arms control treaty with russia and overturning don't ask, don't tell, the pentagon's ban on gays servie i openly in the military. >> we hope the president will work with us on all of these priorities. >> reporter: for the president it's been a bruising few weeks. a devastating election. a north korean attack. an up close and personal airport search. mr. obama's new look won't help. >> this president has yet to find his footing and showing up at a meeting with republicans with a fat lip is probably only going to build into that narrative. >> how contentious could this
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get? to guff you an indication, already many americans will be losing their unemployment benefits in december because democrats and republicans couldn't agree on an extension. many incoming republicans say they want to draw the line on tax cuts as well. rob and mike? investigators in york, pennsylvania, are trying to figure out how and why a couple hid the existence of their five children ranging in ages from 2 to 13. they were found inside of a squall lid rowhouse that was boarded up with no heat, electricity or running water. the children had no birth certificates, schooling, or even evidence of medical care. we turn now to haiti where the beleaguered country's presidential election has ended in chaos with nearly all the major candidates charging fraud and calling for the vote to be voided. matt gutman is following the
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never received the i.d. cards they said this government and it could be a week or more which would likely lead to a runoff in january. matt gutman, abc news, port-au-prince, haiti. parts of the uk are getting slammed by unseasonably cold
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weather and the most november snow in two decades. temperatures dipped to just below zero in wales over the weekend. while northeast england is buried under more than 1 foot of the white stuff. drivers are being urged to avoid all unnecessary travel and all that snow is also causing some major delays at airports. with that, here is your forecast on this side of the pond. some drenching rain, 80-mile-an-hour winds and a chance of tornados from east texas to tennessee. rain around st. louis, des moines, madison and the twin cities. snow in the dakotas, rockies and calls caids. rain from seattle to portland. >> 50s in phoenix and sacramento. 25 in billings. 48 in chicago. 55 in kansas city. 40s along most of the east coast and new orleans. 78 78. dallas 68. since the real santa claus is busy at the north pole, he sent helpers to berlin this weekend for a little santa boot camp. >> they learned the proper way
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to ring bells, sing christmas carols, and most importantly, deliver all those presents. with so many modern-day homes lacking chimneys these santa helpers have to muster up lots of creativity to make sure those gifts get to the right people at the right time. >> santa needs all the help he can get. >> that's right. >> more news after this. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit...
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you'll get this free information kit... as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts # medicare, call this toll-free number now. fortunately, there's new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. and it's even been clinically proven to help reverse it in just four weeks. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. a record 107 million shoppers are expected to point, click, and shop on this cyber monday. "consumer reports" predicts that 17% of americans will take advantage of today's online bargains. many loyal internet shoppers
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were already sent discount coupons by e-mail. online spending is up 13% over november of last year. some analysts say the bargains will not end online today. >> given the fact that these retailers are now having a huge online presence, many of them have been promoting discounts in the days leading up to black friday, on black friday, and they're going to be having many more discounts in the weeks of december. i don't think there's a huge reason for consumers to drop what they're doing and make purchases on that specific day, that cyber monday. >> analysts predict another trend, bargain shoppers today may be buying for themselves as well as for others as they surf for deals on the web. and of course the more we shop, the more we have to ship. and especially this time of the year. but what carrier does the best job? >> the editors of "popular mechanics" magazine devised a little experiment to find out. the answer may actually surprise you. becky worley has the story. >> reporter: you send a gift because you care. >> there you are. >> have a merry christmas. >> reporter: you hope when you
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ship it, the handler will care too. but the internet is awash with video proof that sometimes they don't. so "popular mechanics" wanted to find out what really happens when you send holiday packages. we wanted to get inside a package and see how much damage was going on. >> reporter: a team teamed up to outfit packages with specially made motion sensors. the packages are sent on a cross-country trek from the magazine's offices in new york city to santa monica, california, then to austin, texas, from there back to new york. at each stop, data from the sensors was uploaded to computers to figure out how often your gifts end up on the ground. >> we found that fed ex had an average of around 3.1 drops per shipment. u.p.s. had 2 and the postal service had .5. >> reporter: that's right, good old mr. post man dropped your gifts the least. the postal service isn't
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entirely in the clear. because if it came down to how many times your gifts were flipped upside down -- >> the post office did the most, an average of 12 flips per shipment. >> reporter: what if you write "fragile" on the box? >> for all the carriers, regardless which one, whenever we specifically wrote "fragile" and "this side up," both the drops and the flips increased. >> reporter: increased? >> whoops. >> reporter: how should you send your package this holiday season? >> go with the post office. they were the cheapest and they were the gentlest to the package. >> and we learned those post office needs the money these days. good advice. bec becky worley reporting. thank you dear, very much. let's turn over this log. yeah!
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both: whoa! i like the big black ones. i like the brown wiggly ones. mmm. i like the green crunchy ones myself. whoa. explore nature. there are surprises everywhere. go to
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welcome back, everybody. hate to start "the skinny" off on a sad note but there is some sad news to pass along out of hollywood. we all know this guy, know his face, know his characters. leslie nielsen, the actor, has passed away yesterday about 5:30
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in the evening on sunday. at the age of 84 he passed away in his florida home after complications of pneumonia. surrounded by his wife and friends. he was 84 years old. we know this guy from "the naked gunned" series and the 1980 classic "airplane" where he plays the hapless doctor, in "the naked gun" movies, hilarious, three or four of those movies. he started in the mid '50s in hollywood, a serious actor, was a prankster behind the camera. "airplane" put him out in front as this comedic guy. i didn't know he was 84 years old but he passed away in florida. we wanted to pay our respects. he had a great career. >> he really did and no doubt his great body of work will live on. obviously a sad time for his family. we send our well-wishers. as we remember a great kind of guy of that era. >> absolutely. >> as we approach wednesday which is world aids day, entertainer and singer aleash e
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keys is taking the issue to heart. she's got some other entertainers along with her, including lady gaga, some people, to sign off of their social media accounts on wednesday until her organization or her charity, keep a child alive, raises $1 million. so they're signing off. but this is huge. because for alicia, she has 2.6 million followers on twitter. as i said, she's not the only one. she's joined by lady gaga, justin timberlake, usher, other celebrities taking part in this campaign. jennifer hudson, ryan seacrest. basically the whole goal is to bring attention to this cause. something else they're doing that's kind of strange is shooting these ads where it has them lying in coffins to signify their digital deaths. >> oh, wow. >> facebook, logging off is kind of a big step for celebrities of that level.
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>> sure no, doubt. it's really to shock people awake is what she says. she hopes that she can do it. >> hoping she'll raise some money. >> absolutely, good cause. >> lighter note. we never need an excuse to talk about a favorite "world news now" alum, anderson cooper. apparently he did an interview recently with lady gaga. it's going to air at the grammys in a few more months. she's a huge celebrity and i'm sure will be up for many awards. he had an interesting omission. one of the interviews took place in london at a pub. there's a picture of the twitter account of those two doing the interview which will air next year. take a listen to what he said. >> we actually ended up the day in a pub in london, drinking jail jamieson. she got me to drink two of them which by the end i was ready for the interview to be over because i couldn't ask any more questions. >> cooper getting boozed up with lady gaga in london. >> apparently jamieson.
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nothing over the top but it was still -- he had a few little drinks. that was cool. good for him. that will air the night of the grammys, a.c. and gaga. if your racing thoughts keep you awake... sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness.
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ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. [ male announcer ] it's outlast lipstan from covergirl. [ drew ] light as air lipwear that does what a lipstick can't. with one sold every 15 seconds, it's the #1 selling lipstain in the u.s. [ male announcer ] outlast lipstain. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. hó achoo! [ male announcer ] and common tissue
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and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. here some are stories to watch today on abc news. overseas investors have jitters this morning as european finance ministers prepare an $89 billion debt bailout for ireland. it's a day of damage control for secretary of state hillary clinton. she's visiting central asia and the persian gulf region, hoping to stop problems from the online release of diplomatic secrets by wikileaks. and a critical bailout -- ballot recount continues in minnesota where the governors race is undecided between democrat mark dayton and republican tom emmer. a story to warm your heart for the holidays. when lola gonzales's business
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fell on hard times she realized she had to lay off one of her employees but which one? >> the florida woman did a lot of soul-searching and came up with an extraordinary solution. here's jeremy hubbard. >> i laid myself off approximately six months ago. >> reporter: what did she just say? >> i laid myself off approximately six months ago. >> reporter: after her small background check firm lost clients in the recession, lola gonzales realized she had to let an employee go in order to make ends meet. imagine her staff's surprise when she announced that employee would be her. >> my reaction was to just laugh. because i just thought she was kidding. >> i just think it was very generous, cutting herself off from the company, to save somebody else's job. >> they said, no, who's going to run the business? i said, you are. i'll still be able to provide direction and guidance. i'ms always going to be a phone call away. >> reporter: gonzales got another job as a social worker as less than half her old six-figure salary, but her
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sacrifice has saved her small firm. >> she is still very real in the office. her leadership traits are still here. everything that she has taught is still here. >> reporter: wonder how rare gonzal gonzales's sacrifice is? although many business owners stop taking a salary during the economic down turn, they've heard of no one firing themselves. >> as her son, i thought, you know, that's a role model. that's somebody that i really need to look at. to model my life after. someone that's so selfless. you don't hear about that nowadays. >> because i have not taken a salary action we've been able to reinvest into the business. >> reporter: a reinvestment that led to giving her eight loyal employees a little holiday surprise. >> actually, they got a small bonus this year. not what they used to get but they got something, token of appreciation. because we've had a rough year. >> reporter: jeremy hubbard, abc news, new york. >> wow. not a bad boss at all, huh? >> no, no doubt, definitely a different tune than a lot of the private jets that ceos are using
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and laying off people. it's interesting. >> be nice to see that kind of generosity, especially this time of year. cong help. help is not the four letter word they all warned you about. it's in the places you work, and in the places you play. in the time of distress... in a mess... it's common to depend upon and lean on. no team won ever because of just one. help is not weakness or bleakness, so hear this. there's no shame in my feeling, we all need help's healing. to be propped up and brought up... it's only natural. help is not a scary thing. so rejoice now, hear my voice now. support is what the world is about now. all we need to do is reach out now. whatever you're going through, we're here to listen... to provide help and hope when you need it most. visit your life your voice dot org for e-mail and live chat, or call anytime 1-800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433).
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korean crisis. the military drills and today's tension. >> we're very focused on restraint. >> the threatening situation. terror attempt. how federal agents prevented a holiday tragedy by tracking down a suspected bomber. and, comical cop. funny man leslie nielsen's most memorable roles. it's monday, november 29th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> it's hard to believe that he's no longer with us, leslie nielsen passing away last night at his home in florida. everyone remembers him as the
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funny, hysterical cop in "the naked gun" serious. >> serious but silly at the same time. that's what made it so funny. it was a fun moment to relive some of his work. obviously it's a sad day for his family and friends and we'll dive into that in a bit. >> good morning, everybody, i'm rob nelson. >> i'm mike marusarz sitting in for vinita nair. the u.s. and south korea are making a united show of force this morning as they enter the second day of war games. >> it is prompting north korea to threaten another "merciless attack." alex marquardt reports on the escalating tension from seoul. >> reporter: fighter jets landing at sea. in one of the u.s. and south korea's joint military exercises. exercises that north korea says have brought this region to the brink of war. the chairman of the joint chiefs says the goal is deterring another north korean attack. >> we're very focused on restraint and not letting this thing get out of control. >> reporter: as the jets landed, south koreans were running for cover from north korean
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artille artillery. here on yeonpyeong island, the island that was attacked tuesday, they huddled in bomb shelters until the world came the sound of guns they heard from the north, seven miles away, were thankfully not another attack. a relief but a stark reminder of the fear still felt here after the assault that killed four people. south korean media also reported that the north had positioned surface-to-air missiles along the coastline border. the warships are keeping their distance from north korea, training just under 100 miles away. many hope and expect that china, north korea's only real ally, will intervene. >> they have said to me, we have no problem with a divided korea except that it's unstable. and we're going to do all we can to keep north korea from either imploding or exploding. >> reporter: senior chinese officials came to seoul urging calm. but south korea's president asked them to do more to bring peace to this divided peninsula. congressional lawmakers are
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back to work this morning after the thanksgiving break. and they definitely had a very full plate. benefits for the long-term unemployed are set to expire tomorrow. and there's also the question of whether to extend those controversial bush tax cuts. also on the agenda, that nuclear treaty with russia. as well as the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. and then on wednesday, the president's deficit commission is expected to recommend some pretty drastic cults to balance the nation's budget. we asked our senior washington editor rick kline for a preview. >> it's going to be difficult to get republicans and democrats on board. democrats don't feel like they have a lot of incentive to come to the table with republicans right now in the wake of the midterm losses. republicans feel emboldened in their position. things will be different in january because president obama won't have a democratic congress all throughout, and john boehner's going to be in a position of leadership. the onus is going to start with the president who's got another two years, republican control of the house. a lot of folks looking for him to move to the center. democrats are going to be eyeing that warily.
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there could be a revolt in the democratic ranks if he moves too far. the white house certainly hopes republicans have more responsibility for governance now thatter that going to be in power. there's not a lot of the incentive they see based on these last election results coming to the table with president obama. >> we could get a better read on the situation after tomorrow's meeting between president obama and the new republican leadership. some of the government's most private dispatches are now public after a new leak of hundreds of thousands of diplomatic documents. often pron unflattering view of america's most valued allies. >> reporter: there are unflattering views of key u.s. allies. russian president vladamir putin mockingly called the alpha dog. french president nicolas sarkozy, the emperor with no clothes. the real damage may be to those we call allies in the fight against terrorism. afghan president hamid karzai described as driven by paranoia.
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his brother, believed to lie when it suits his needs. there's that revelation about yemen's president, agreeing to lie about u.s. air strikes in his country. will that hamper the u.s. counter terror effort there going forward? for wikileaks' founder julian asam, the question is what he believes the revelations will accomplish. one we raised with him during a documents release earlier this year. what drives you? >> defending victims. and i'm a combative person so i like crushing bastards. so it is deeply personally -- personally deeply satisfying to me. >> reporter: u.s. officials argue the release will actually create more victims. disside dissidents, local leaders, diplomats who the white house says are working to end wars. wars that asam himself opposes. and so, these officials say, he is actually working against his own stated goal. jim sciutto, abc news, london. three missing little boys from michigan were the focus of a prayer vigil in their
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hometown. neighbors and loved ones silently filed into the united methodist church to pray for the safe return of tanner, alexander, and andrew skeleton. the boys disappeared on the same day their father tried to kill himself. he claims to have given the children to a woman he met online. but the police can't confirm the woman even exists. now a bizarre story here. police in york, pennsylvania, are investigating a case of possible child endangerment. they say a couple has concealed the existence of their five children who range in age from 2 to 13. they lived in a ramshackle house that had no heat, electricity or even running water, a situation that shocked neighbors when they found out. >> i think it's terrible. as a parent, i couldn't put my kid in that situation. i wouldn't. there are shelters. they needed to go. >> if you're aware of a situation where you feel a child is at risk or children are at risk, we encourage you to give
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us as much information as you can. >> police also say the children had no birth certificates, schooling, or evidence of any medical care. both parents are now under arrest charged with five felony counts of child endangerment. the teenager charged with plotting to set up a car bomb in portland, oregon, has a date today in federal court. and the fbi is now offering a $10,000 reward for another crime investigators say was committed in retaliation against the suspect. linsey davis has the details. >> reporter: the mosque where mohamed osman mohamud worshipped was damaged by fire. all police will say at this point is that it was arson. in legal documents, undercover fbi agents say the 19-year-old mohamud had been thinking about committing violent jihad since the age of 15. mohamud is accused of trying to explode what he thought was a car bomb at friday night's christmas tree lighting ceremony in portland, oregon. >> even after he was cautioned by the undercover agents, undercover officers, that there
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would be women and children involved, he made very clear that he was very determined to undertake an attack. >> reporter: but friends say they never observed anything to indicate mohamuded had a radical side. people who went to school with him described the somali-born teen as quiet, smart and polite. some question why the fbi would pursue someone without the resources or ability to carry out such an attack alone. >> someone with a mindset like this gentleman, the concern is he'd just go to somebody else. and eventually he might find real bad guys who are willing to supply him with bombs and to carry out some horrible act. >> reporter: mohamud's case was a classic sting similar to those which netted one of the terrorists recently in dallas, illinois, and last month in washington, d.c. >> there's no question that stopping people like mr. mohamud, tells the rest of the world that want to be terrorists, if you think about these things and take action to do them, we're going to come
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after you. >> reporter: a message they hope will keep us all safer. linsey davis, abc news, new york. in lighter news now, the promise of some rock-bottom deals is expected to lure a record 107 million shoppers on this cyber monday. 17% of americans are likely to shop on the web today. many retailers are using direct e-mails to promote all their discounts with online spending up 13% this month, consumer experts say deals will stick around throughout the holiday season. >> looks like clear weather online for your shopping online today. here's the rest of your monday forecast. severe weather from houston to shreveport to memphis. heavy rain around st. louis, des moines, madison, minneapolis. blowing snow in the dakotas. light mountain snow across colorado, wyoming, and utah. a half foot of snow in the cascades. rain in seattle and portland. >> meanwhile, 30s in albuquerque and colorado springs. indianapolis 52. detroit 45. fargo 30. 48 here in new york.
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45 in atlanta. and a warm 83 in miami. that sounds nice. the grinch may have stolen christmas for a south florida woman but it looks like santa claus has stepped in to take it back. >> carrie-anne brown bought three computers and other presents while waiting outside a best buy for more than 24 hours. she locked them in her car, then someone smashed her window and swiped the gifts. >> in comes a new york businessman, a complete stranger. he saw the story on the news and offered to give brown $1,000 to redo her shopping. don't put the stuff in the car. >> that's the moral of that story. but good samaritans still exist, good to hear. >> ended well. >> more news after this. keep you awake...
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sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta.
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hello, you're watching "world news now." >> that was actor leslie nielsen on "world news now" back in 1995. he was reading a script written for one of our very first anchors, tail yeah aassures. >> sadly nielsen died yesterday after a 60-year career that included some of the most popular movie spoofs ever, including these. take a look. >> police squad! in color. starring leslie nielsen. >> my name is sergeant frank breben. detective lieutenant police squad. a special detail of the police department. there's been a recent wave of gorgeous fashion models found naked and unconscious in
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laundromats on the west side. unfortunately i was assigned to investigate holdups at neighborhood credit unions. >> what the hell's going on up there? >> does anybody on board know how to 30 a plane? >> can you fly this plane and land it? >> surely you can't be serious. >> i am serious. and don't call me shirley. ♪ woke up this morning feeling fine ♪ ♪ had something special on my mind ♪ >> you want this, chief? >> yes, thank you, al. there's something on the side of your mouth, al. no, no. the other side. ♪ something tells me i'm into something good ♪ >> excuse me. please stay calm. nothing to see here. ♪ something tells me i'm into something good ♪
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>> wow, what a funny guy. so many classic movies and a little-known fact about him. >> i didn't realize but after he graduated around 17, he was diagnosed as legally deaf. he actually had to wear hearing aids most of his life. >> that's incredible. >> he joined the royal canadian air force early on around 17. >> his first big breakout movie was 1980, "airplane." check out the full interview we did with him in 1995 on "world news now" on facebook. check out leslie nielsen died of complications, sadly, from
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pneumonia at a hospital near his home in ft. lauderdale. passed away today, last night i should say, at the age of 84.
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all right. it is time for our usual monday football stuff. >> i must say it's a little quiet in here today. >> wonder why. that's because the legendary willis is off this morning. as we resume he is in mourning, though. first, of course, the highlights. mike, kick us off. >> we start with green bay at atlanta. huge nfc matchup. a game that looked like it mightinging if into overtime when aaron rodgers threw a ten-yard touchdown pass with under a minute to go. but this was atlanta at home with quarterback matt ryan at the controls. he brought the falcons down the field for a game-winning field
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goal. it was good. the falcons win it 20-17, rob. they are 19-1 at home with ryan as the starting quarterback. a tough team in the division there. >> arch rival, man. don't worry, who dat nation will catch up soon enough. it pains me to tell you about a win for willis' new york giants. down 17-6 at the half but the giants defense rose up in the second half of the game and a 32-yard td pass from eli manning to kevin boss gave the g-men the lead for good. giants pulled this one -- it was a good game at the end. final score on this one, 24-20. >> all right, we take you to chicago where the bears hosted the eagles. check out quarterback jay cutler. look at this, he threw for 247 yards. >> wow. >> four touchdown passes. fantasy. racked up a lot of points with him. the bears' fourth straight win, and moved chicago agame ahead of green bay in the nfc north.
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the bears end the eagles' three-game win streak. chicago 31, philadelphia 26. they were able to contain michael vick very effectively. >> his first interception in like four years. it's crazy. finally the pat more ravens hosting tampa bay. ravens quarterback flacco connected for two touchdowns and that was enough to run baltimore's home win streak to five games this season. the bucs had not defeated a team with a winning record. baltimore wins this one 17-10. >> let me take the rock. very effective, i like that. let me tell you what all this means for thelittle competition going on around here these days. we mentioned willis is in mourning. >> it gives me great pleasure to announce willis is no longer in pole association of first place. vinita with a 4-0 performance this week movals into a tie for the lead. all she's been doing is picking home team, that's her whole strategy.
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they're all followed by me. >> here's a peek at the numbers. they are right there. willis and vinita neck and neck at the top, 22-10. >> jeff is a game back. i am now two games off of the pace. and diane is still the back of the pack. she complained to folks that the loser here at the end of the season has to buy the rest of the "world news now" some food. there's serious overnight grub on the line here. that's what this is all about. >> no doubt. food is important, no doubt. a lot of people will be consumed tonight for the final game of the week, san francisco at arizona. both teams are 3-7. it actually should be a good matchup. both teams are pretty even in that realm. 8:30 eastern on espn. >> and things improve next week. a couple of big division battles on the lineup including pittsburgh and baltimore, atlanta at tampa bay, good game, and the jets at new england. a lot of great matchups. >> some of those games are likely going to be the ones that, rob, you and the rest of the folks here will be picking for next week. stay tuned for that. >> we'll announce what games we're picking here friday
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morning so be sure to check it out then. as we head to the home stretch of the season, things are getting tight. sticker shock at the christmas tree lot. and a money-making idea that might surprise you. sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness.
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ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. ♪ [ male announcer ] look who's suddenly into oral care.
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introducing pro health for me from crest and oral-b. a line of oral care products specially designed for older kids. it protects the areas their dentists check... in flavors and designs they'll like. they'll be brushing... seriously.
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world news now delivers your "morning papers." >> and welcome back, everybody. time for a look at your "morning papers." and you know, in a recession you've got to get creative. >> right. i've got to get that. >> you lose something? >> go ahead. >> oh, are you all right? >> yeah, yeah. >> just checking. these two guys at university of colorado came up with a brilliant idea. they were in college. they've launched a new business called hangover helpers. they come, after a party, come into the house. they will clean up. they will cook you breakfast, bring you food, gatorade, hangover remedies. 15 bucks per roommate will do
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this. this guy had a tough time on the job after he graduated, called another buddy who was having a tough time finding work, they got together, watching business grow. expected to pick up in the spring. better weather means more parties. we've been asked, are there really people too lazy to clean their house after a party? the answer is yes. they're growing this business. these guys come in and bring you stuff to get over the hangover and clean your pad. >> the next day, you don't want to clean up. so i hear. from the party. then people come in and they clean it up. how about that. it's a great business model. people are even asking for specific requests like, can you cook vegetarian meals? it's going to be a dynamite. >> great market for that. >> let's talk about a different business model. expensive christmas trees. they're popping up in soho. >> of course here in new york. >> an area of manhattan, new york, notoriously one of the most expensive areas in the country. a guy has decided to charge $900.
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>> whoa. >> for a christmas tree that he says is magical, majestic as he says, one of the jumbos is majestic. talking about people that come and buy these trees. he has already sold 40 trees between 12 and 17 feet in height. that's the most expensive is $900. it's $400 to $900. in brooklyn, for instance, you can get similar trees for 150 bucks. >> that seems a little more reasonable. >> and so some people are saying that's outrageous, and why would you pay that? but people are. >> he's saying they're really fresh and that's his big selling point, freshly chopped down. i would not pay that much for christmas trees. >> first of all, my concern is 17 feet high? where the heck are you going to put that thing in manhattan? >> if you have a tree like that you have a big house. apparently the water polo team in singapore is in a little bit of trouble. check out the new trunks the team got. the singapore government did not like it, saying it's disrespecting the flag of the
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country. it's part of the flag there on the trunks. after the games in china they're going to get rid of these trunks after the games in china they're going to get rid of these trunks because they're life's funny... i never thought i'd end up at a shelter... but then again... neither did you! life's funny...
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diplomats' discussions kept secret until now. the impact of a website's posting on worldwide relations. wild scene. right in suburbia. an otter's attack. videotaped. who got hurt? and, canned heat. >> i think it's awesome. you throw it in with jell-o shots. >> whipped cream with a potent kick. it's monday, november 29th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> if you're looking for yet another way in this country to get your alcohol fix, we have important news to share with
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you. >> in a can. a different type of can. it's strange, right? whipped cream? >> whipped cream. >> a jolt. >> exciting news for all you sweet tooth alcoholics on this monday morning. good morning, everybody, i'm rob nelson. >> i'm mike marusarz sitting in for vinita nair. the world of international diplomacy is turned inside out this morning after wikileaks leaked 250,000 secret cables. >> at best they are highly embarrassing to the u.s. at worst, they could endanger american informants abroad. john hendren is joining us now with more reaction from washington. >> reporter: good morning, rob and mike. it reads like a spy novel. a huge trove of documents released by wikileaks lifts the curtain on secret communications between washington and the diplomats we have stationed around the world. one foreign minister called the dump of leaked documents the september 11th of world diplomacy. on sunday, several major international news organizations posted more than 250,000 confidential and damaging diplomatic cables online, although none was classified top
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secret. both the white house and the pentagon immediately condemned the actions as reckless and dangerous. >> leaking the material is deplorable. i agree with the pentagon's assessment that the people at wikileaks would have blood on their hands. >> reporter: while up includes private communications about foreign countries and their leaders, the substance differs considerably from earlier wikileaks postings. in iraq and afghanistan. the latest documents present no apparent blockbuster revelations but will certainly poison diplomatic rapport, put operatives at risk, and provide ammunition to those intent on damaging relations between the united states and its allies. wikileaks is run by self-appointed whistle-blower julian assange, who has refused multiple requests to stop divulging the bootlegged information. >> i like crushing bastards. it is personally deeply satisfying to me. >> reporter: the cables are believed to have come from
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22-year-old army intelligence specialist bradley manning who was arrested in july and remains in custody. there are more than 250,000 documents in all, many of them containing confidential information and sometimes embarrassing information about foreign leaders. lawmakers head back to capitol hill today after the thanksgiving break, and they face several key decisions. most pressing among them, benefits for the long-term unemployed that are set to expire tomorrow. there's also the question whether to extend those bush tax cuts. also on the agenda, the s.t.a.r.t. nuclear treaty with russia that the president wants passed. on top of all that the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. wednesday, the president's deficit commission is expected to recommend some pretty drastic cuts to balance the nation's budget. we'll get a better idea how all this will shake out after tomorrow's white house meeting between the president and republican leaders. the south korean island attacked by north korea last week could soon be evacuated. the surrounding area has been designated by the military as
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off-limits to civilians. four south koreans were killed when the island was hit by artillery. many are hoping that china, north korea's only ally, will intervene to help stop the escalation. >> they have said to me, we have no problem with the divided korea except that it's unstable. and we're going to do all we can to keep north korea from either imploding or exploding. >> we're very focused on restraint and not letting this thing get out of control. >> the u.s. and south korea are participating in another day of joint military exercises. north korea is calling the exercises yet another grave military provocation. a teenager is recovering this morning after being attacked by an otter in south florida. an otter. it may seem like a joke but the aggressive animal has gone after three other people, as well as after a dog. matt gutman now reports from miami. >> reporter: it seemed almost friendly at first.
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but four feet of cuddly turned quickly to blood-curdling. >> aahhh! >> reporter: mo gibbons was locked out of his home. so killing time, he used the cell phone to film the neighborhood otter. >> just swimming around in the water at a really close distance and i thought, okay, this is a cool otter. >> reporter: he swam away. then hooked a u-turn. >> just ran after me and bit me. >> reporter: it's part of a series of three mysterious otter attacks in two days in south florida. about a mile away an otter attacked this golden retriever named chester. >> whatever's going on really has me baffled. >> reporter: that's david hitchic of the bush animal sanctuary who says it could be -- >> an otter that was captive that escaped or was released and doesn't know better. >> reporter: it could be a mother protecting her cubs. more dangerous, a rabid otter. >> there's an otter that got him. >> reporter: one of those almost killed a 96-year-old florida
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man. a good samaritan tried simultaneously to pry the critter on of and explain himself to a bewildered 911 operator. >> who's got him? >> an otter. >> an otter? >> o-t-t-e-r. police hurry. i can't keep him off. >> reporter: hitchic says animals are not normally this aggressive. despite suffering from six rabies shots, gibbons vows no vengeance against his attacker. >> i don't think i'll ever see him again. but if i do, i guess i'll call animal control. >> reporter: which is also the advice of the experts. matt gutman, abc news, miami. the million day shopping season appears to be off to an encouraging start with americans spending an estimated $45 billion since thursday. 212 million shoppers visited stores over the black friday weekend. that's up nearly 9% from the 195 million who shopped this time last year. on black friday itself, mall sales were up a slight .3%. today, of course, is cyber
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monday. online sales are expected to attract a record 107 million shoppers. "consumer reports" predicts 17% of all americans are ready to bion line today. many of them have already received web discounts through direct e-mails. online spending for the month of november is up 13% from last year. with so much cyber monday shopping being done at work today, some employers are now intervening. >> many corporations have caught on to the fact that their employees are wasting three to four hours a day on a day they should be working, browsing, researching, buying products. many corporations are saying, hey, we're going to block some of these sites, not let you buy these products online on cyber monday. >> buy otter repellent. 90% of internet retailers are offering special cyber monday promotions and many are offering free deals on shipping.
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the great detective frank drebin in "the naked gun" series. he scored big going against the type in the mega hit "airplane" movie. the sad news leslie nielsen has died in florida. leslie was 84 years old. >> that's right, a boat. when you're better we'll go sailing together on a boat. we'll take a cruise just like last year. >> no. drugs. >> amos, give this man some drugs, quick, can't you see he's in pain? >> great guy, great actor. everyone loved those "naked gun" movies. >> such an icon of that era. it's so sad to see him pass, complications from pneumonia. >> at the age of 84. with that your monday weather. gusty winds, isolated tornados and heavy rain in houston, new orleans, little rock, jackson, mississippi, and memphis. downpours from the twin cities to st. louis. 6 inches of snow in the dakotas and cascades. snow showers in the rockies and rain in the pacific northwest. >> 45 in seattle.
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27 in boise. 30 in salt lake city. mostly 40s from omaha to detroit. also 40s from boston to atlanta. 83 in miami. 78 in new orleans. talk about your fine dining. a billionaire casino mogul from macao has paid $330,000 for a pair white truffles weighing a total of just under three pounds. >> that matches the record price he paid for a single truffle three years ago. white truffles are the rarest and most sought-after pungent delicacies found mostly in northern italy. >> they're only available during the fall season and can only be dug up by specially-trained dogs or pigs. money well spent. >> i suppose, if you like that kind of thing. >> all right, we'll be right back with more "world news now."
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♪ every time it's so right ♪ well, it feels so good [ female announcer ] when you have a softer bath tissue, you can enjoy going more... while still using less. introducing new charmin ultra soft. new charmin ultra soft has an ultra-cushiony design that's soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. [ both ] ♪ soft to the touch... [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. new charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go.
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julia childs who liked to
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take a nip when she cooked might have enjoyed a new food. >> it combines whipped cream and alcohol. not everybody thinks it's such a good deal. jeff deal of orlando's wftv has the story. >> reporter: it might look like a regular can of whipped scream. you'll see why some people are buzzing about whipped lightning. >> i think it's awesome. throw out jell-o shots, it would be fantastic. >> reporter: the whipped treat comes in different flavors and of course it's infused with alcohol. 18% by volume. that's more than three times the amount found in most beers. liquor stores around the ucf area say the new form of booze is flying off the shelves. >> not surprised. this is a college. i'm not surprised at all. i'm actually shocked they didn't come up with it sooner. >> reporter: critics say it might not be the best idea. >> people already get high off whipped cream bottles. you put alcohol into that mix,
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it's not exactly a good combination. >> reporter: students say what makes this dangerous is if they use it with something like the jell-o shot where the alcohol is already masked. they could get extremely intoxicated without realizing how much alcohol they've had. mothers against drunk driving in florida says it's never heard of the alcoholic whipped cream but would be concerned about the high level of alcohol packed into something most people consider dessert. >> whipped cream people don't use in moderation. alcoholic whipped cream, i don't know if that would be a good idea. >> thanks to jeff deal from our orlando station wftv. interesting, right? nine flavors of this stuff. >> i'm going to say 18% -- oh, we've got a little "world news now" -- oh, yeah. >> don't go far, we'll be right back. >> nobody's driving, you're not driving.
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with millions of people going online every day to play games made by a silicon valley company called zinga. you may be one of them. >> although they cost nothing to play, zinga is making some very real bucks. so david wright paid them a visit. >> reporter: farmville. fishville. frontierville. cafe world. mafia wars. all of those games people play on facebook. it's a virtual world i for one have refused to enter. >> to be honest i haven't played any of them. >> okay. >> and we'll get to that. >> hopefully that changes. >> reporter: zynga, the company who makes these games and more, are not exactly hurting for players. the company is raking in the cash. and it able monopoly money. the internet startup entrepreneur mark pinkus named for his job is not yet a public company which means they don't have to disclose how much money they make. zynba is estimated to be worth
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more than $5.5 billion. who knew people's idea of fun would be planting virtual strawberries and pumpkins and watching them grow. mark pinkus, obviously. >> the key to social games is that your mother and your nephew and your college friend all find that game accessible to them. and so it has to have rules that everyone understands. no one has to tell you the rules of farming. right? good. >> you plant it, you water it, you fertilize it, it grows. >> and you plant more. right. >> reporter: every month, some 60 million people play farmville. mostly on facebook. and if you factor in all the company's games the number of zynga players each month tops 200 million people. >> oh, the train looks cool. >> reporter: zynga launches its newest game, citiville. basically farmville for folks who prefer to tinker in a more urban environment. we have a burger joint here, the barbershop. >> what's the goal? >> the goal is just to build
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basically the city of your dreams. >> reporter: a virtual lego kit. lincoln logs for the digital generation. that sort of makes sense. like an old-fashioned train set, it bustles and grows the more time you spend with it. but it's intangible. it's a world of avatars and imagination. >> the game like this ten years ago was $29 at best buy. and now you're getting this for free. and you're playing with other people. >> reporter: zynga actually doesn't charge people to play the games. the company makes most of its money through virtual goods. some users are willing to pay extra for bells and whistles it would take them a long time to accumulate for free. it's baffling that in a recession, people are using real money to buy imaginary stuff. >> right. i think that virtual goods is a very affordable pastime and form of entertainment, much less money than taking your family to a movie. so i'm not surprised that it's
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grown into a real industry. >> reporter: the place where you can see the real impact of all that virtual spending is at zynga's headquarters itself. a dot com metropolis. >> this is our zen room. and various things happen in here. whether it's acupuncture, reflexology, massage. >> reporter: as funky as anything they had in the first dot com boom of the 1990s. so many employees tending these virtual games, zynga goes through seven tons of food a week. >> you were going to come back to why you don't play. >> maybe now is the time to do that. one of the reasons i don't play is because i don't trust them. i've seen all of the nasty stories about facebook taking your data. while people are out there tending their farms, are you quietly harvesting their personal information? >> no. we have never been in the business of selling any user's information. and in fact, we need to make social games a comfortable place for you to come and play and
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share with your friends. >> reporter: when zynga eventually does go public, mark pinkus is poised to become the next sell convalley billionaire. and you want to be a tycoon? >> i'm more ambitious than that. i want to create something that will matter in 100 years. we have the opportunity to build the digital skyscrapers. this is like 1910. and we have a chance to build the services that will matter in people's lives in 20 years. >> reporter: will it matter? that's debatable. at a time when much of the economy seems to be retrenching, zynga is on a growth streak. this make-believe economy, complete with virtual farms and sky scrappers, seems a lot stronger than the real one the rest of us actually live in. i'm david wright for "nightline" in san francisco. >> you and i, we're not big gamers on the facebook and all that. >> no. >> it is impressive the amount of money being paid. zynga hired 850 people in the past year. 1,300 people for an online game.
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>> it's big business. i wonder if the only work that's getting done are the people at zynga creating the games for people to not do any work at work. people to not do any work at work. you know what i mean? ort time am around his house. these people chose freedom over restrictions. independence over limitations. they chose mobility. they chosehe scooter store. and this is the team of mobility experts who made it all happen. ii great news, you've been approved for payment. dr. cruz, i'm calling on behalf ofmarie stanford. and they can make it happen for you. hi, i'm doug harrison, if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i promise, no other company will work harder to make you mobile or do more to ensure your total satisfaction. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice or work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me.
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if we qualify you and medicare denies your claim for a w scooter or power chair, i'll give it to you absolutely free. that's the scooter store guarantee. we'll wo with your insurance company, even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. when they delivered mom's power chair, i expected they'd show her how to use it once or twice. that man stayed for hours! whatever it takes, as long as it takes. that's our guarantee. why do we go to < uch great lengths? because making you mobile is our mission. we'llwork wit your doctor. we'll work with medicare and lçur private insurance. we'll even service your scooter anywhere in the country. call the sco÷"er store today.
3:24 am
sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you.
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get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. we were not blessed enough to see one of the movies in the top three this weekend at all. >> you'll see why in a minute. rob and i followed the holiday tradition of going to the movies this weekend. i saw the rock's new revenge thriller "faster." you saw this new rom-com, "love and other drugs." >> i did see this one. this is the anne hathaway/jake gyllenhaal -- i got roped into seeing another chick flick this weekend. you've seen the previews, you've seen the whole movie. jake gyllenhaal plays a pharmaceutical sales rep, kind
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of this legendary womanizer. ends up meeting maggie, a 26-year-old girl suffering from p parkinson's disease. huge twists and turns. kind of standard romantic comedy fare here. take a listen to one of their first dates. >> this isn't about connection for you. this isn't even about sex for you. this is about finding an hour or two of relief from the pain of being you. and i'm with that. because all i want is the exact same thing. >> there you go. and i mean, i give this 2 1/2 kernels. i thought it was kind of cliche. you know exactly -- if you've seen the preview you know where this whole thing is going. it's just a movie you've seen a thousand times before. nothing too exciting, nothing different here. blah on body ends. and that was about it for me, no big deal. >> you said the nudity was overhyped? >> yeah, all those scenes were
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no big deal to me. >> i saw "faster." dwayne "the rock" johnson played this guy who is trying to avenge his brother's death that happened during a botched bank robbery. and it was actually -- that's where dwayne johnson was sent to prison for ten years. after he gets out of prison for a decade he goes on this rampage to try to avenge his brother's death that happened during the bank robbery. billy bob thornton is in it as well. let's listen to a clip and i'll tell you what i think. >> that boy they killed was my brother. >> i can't bring him back. in my heart i'm sorry. if you would find it in your heart to forgive me. >> i can't. >> i thought it was -- eh. it was okay. it was action, it was a movie obviously a lot of thrills. i gave it 2 1/2 out of 3 --
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excuse me, 2 1/2 out of 5 kernels. it was just okay, rob. >> we had a lukewarm time at the when you stay connected to your kids, they'll stay connected to you. the boys town national hotline can help. call the boys town national hotline at 1-800-448-3000 (tdd#1-800-448-1433) ...or visit us on the web at parenting dot org.
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the severe weather is the big the downed power lines. this tree top we out, be aware, of the power ey in new york and new england, there's
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sensitive secrets revealed worldwide. is the serious impact after private documents from diplomats were made public. handle with care. an undercover look at the shipping business as you get ready to send holiday cheer. and, on fire. >> she's still very real in the office. >> the boss who laid herself off. it's monday, november 29th. >> from abc new, this is "world news now." >> kind of a refreshing story. you hear so much about the greed of the big ceos, taking the money, incredible bonuses. all this.
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here's a woman who owns the company but said, i'm stepping back to save a little money and help my employees out. rare. rare generosity. >> it is rare. i think the gesture says a lot. we'll talk about why she decided to make that gesture. good morning, everyone. i'm mike marusarz. vinita nair is off. >> i'm rob nelson. the white house is condemning a new leak of hundreds of thousands of secret documents by that whistleblower website wikileaks. >> the government is taking steps to make sure such a massive leak of classified information won't happen again. jonathan karl reports. >> reporter: some of the most fascinating documents are about iran. depicting arab leaders practically begging the u.s. to prevent the iranian government from getting nuclear weapons. that program must be stopped. bahrain's king tells general david petraeus in november 2009. the danger of letting it about on is greater than the danger of stopping it. the foreign minister of the united arab emirates says,
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tells a top state department official, "the threat from al qaeda would be minor if iran has nukes." in these private dispatches, posted online by the "new york times" and other papers, several arab governments take a line virtually identical to israel's. many of the documents are simply close guantanamo, the state department plays what the "new deal, offering foreign to take prisoners. if it wants to get a meeting with president obama, it needs to take a prisoner. in an apparent sign of corruption, u.s. drug agents catch afghanistan's vice president in the uae with $52 million in cash. the dea officials looked the other way. libyan leader moammar gadhafi's visit to new york last year is detailing his strange behavior, including his relationship with a voluptuous blond described as his senior ukrainian nurse
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always by his side. one of the most damaging documents describes a meeting in january between general petraeus and the president of yemen, where the united states has conducted several secret drone targets. we'll continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours, yemen's president tells petraeus, prompting another yemeni official at the meeting to joke that he had just lied by telling parliament yemeni forces had u.s. officials have condemned the leaks as outrageous and dangerous and have taken steps to ensure that nothing like this can ever happen again. for example, under changes that have already been implemented it is impossible for a single individual to take classified information off a government computer. jonathan karl, abc news, washington. tensions between the north and south korean countries are also the subject of cables in the wikileaks. those tensions are escalating as the u.s. and south korea conduct a second day of war games. north korea has called the games
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another grave military provocation. south korea's president says he takes full responsibility for failing to protect citizens in last week's attack by the north. the oregon teenager charged with plotting to set off a car bomb in portland is due to appear in federal court later today. mohamed osman mohamud was arrested in a sting operation friday after parking what he thought was a bomb-filled van near a tree-lighting ceremony. he could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted of trying to use a weapon of mass destruction. the fbi is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the arsonist who set fire to the mosque where mohamud worshipped. investigators believe the fire was likely a hate crime and they warn retaliatory attacks against the muslim community will not be tolerated. president obama is still recovering from a busted lip he got last week during a basketball game. it took 12 stitches to close the cut.
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>> mr. obama can also expect some more rough and tumble plays tomorrow when he sits down with republican leaders who will soon take charge of the house. john hendren is joining us now from washington with a preview. hi, john. >> reporter: good morning, rob and mike. president obama is still on the mend from that basketball injury, that elbow to the face. and he'll still be recovering on tuesday, when for the first time since the election he greets newly empowered republican leaders at the white house. president obama, his face visibly battered, might have more sharp elbows coming. tuesday's white house summit has all the makings of a post-shellacking showdown. in one corner, on home turf, president obama. in the other, republican senate leader mitch mcconnell and john boehner, next speaker of the house, once famously combative. >> hell, no, you can't! >> reporter: both sides sizing each other up. president obama, now weakened, wants cooperation. an alliance of opposites. >> i hope that we can work together, democrats and republicans and independents alike.
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>> reporter: but will republicans, now sharing control, also opt to go from confrontation to cooperation? >> it's a lot easier to run as a party of no than when you do control one of the branches. >> reporter: they'll talk top priorities. funding the government. passing routine but often contentious spending bills. extending the bush tax cuts. republicans want to keep them all. democrats want cuts for the middle class. if things go well they could talk about renewing the s.t.a.r.t. arms control treaty with russia and overturning don't ask, don't tell, the pentagon's ban on gays serving openly in the military. >> we hope the president will work with us on all of these priorities. >> reporter: for the president it's been a bruising few weeks. a devastating election. a north korean attack. an up close and personal airport search. mr. obama's new look won't help. >> this president has yet to find his footing and showing up at a meeting with republicans with a fat lip is probably only going to build into that narrative. >> how contentious could this get?
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to give you an indication, already many americans will be losing their unemployment benefits in december because democrats and republicans couldn't agree on an extension. many incoming republicans say they want to draw the line on tax cuts as well. rob and mike? investigators in york, pennsylvania, are trying to figure out how and why a couple hid the existence of their five children ranging in ages from 2 to 13. they were found inside of a squalid row house that was boarded up with no heat, electricity or running water. the children had no birth certificates, schooling, or even evidence of medical care. we turn now to haiti where the beleaguered country's presidential election has ended in chaos with nearly all the major candidates charging fraud and calling for the vote to be voided. matt gutman is following the developments from the haitian capital of port-au-prince. >> reporter: despite the cholera, the rubble and
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the violence, they lined up, waiting for hours to cast ballots for one of 19 candidates. with over 1 million displaced by last january's earthquake, many never received the i.d. cards they needed to vote. of the 55,000 residents of this camp, only 900 were registered. so many haitians we spoke to said they were reluctant to they said this government and this country is so broken, no and even before polls closed, accusations flew.olls closed, >> reporter: celestin is son of the current president. renee prevaul. other candidates include the wife of a former president and a musician who used to rap in a diaper. it could be a week or more before the votes are counted which would likely lead to a runoff in january. matt gutman, abc news, port-au-prince, haiti. parts of the uk are getting slammed by unseasonably cold weather and the most november
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snow in two decades. temperatures dipped to just below zero in wales over the weekend. while northeast england is buried under more than 1 foot of the white stuff. drivers are being urged to avoid all unnecessary travel and all that snow is also causing some major delays at airports. with that, here is your forecast on this side of the pond. some drenching rain, 80-mile-an-hour winds and a chance of tornados from east texas to tennessee. rain around st. louis, des moines, madison and the twin cities. snow in the dakotas, rockies and cascades. rain from seattle to portland. >> 50s in phoenix and sacramento. 25 in billings. 48 in chicago. 55 in kansas city. 40s along most of the east coast and new orleans 78. dallas 68. since the real santa claus is busy at the north pole, he sent helpers to berlin this weekend for a little santa boot camp. >> they learned the proper way to ring bells, sing christmas
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carols, and most importantly, deliver all those presents. with so many modern-day homes lacking chimneys these santa helpers have to muster up lots of creativity to make sure those gifts get to the right people at the right time. >> santa needs all the help he can get. >> that's right. >> more news after this. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit...
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you'll get this free information kit... as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts # medicare, call this toll-free number now. fortunately, there's new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. and it's even been clinically proven to help reverse it in just four weeks. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. a record 107 million shoppers are expected to point, click, and shop on this cyber monday. "consumer reports" predicts that 17% of americans will take advantage of today's online bargains. many loyal internet shoppers were already sent discount
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coupons by e-mail. online spending is up 13% over november of last year. some analysts say the bargains will not end online today. >> given the fact that these retailers are now having a huge online presence, many of them have been promoting discounts in the days leading up to black friday, on black friday, and they're going to be having many more discounts in the weeks of december. i don't think there's a huge reason for consumers to drop what they're doing and make purchases on that specific day, that cyber monday. >> analysts predict another trend, bargain shoppers today may be buying for themselves as well as for others as they surf for deals on the web. and of course the more we shop, the more we have to ship. and especially this time of the year. but what carrier does the best job? >> the editors of "popular mechanics" magazine devised a little experiment to find out. the answer may actually surprise you. becky worley has the story. >> reporter: you send a gift because you care. >> there you are. >> have a merry christmas. >> reporter: you hope when you ship it, the handler will care
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too. but the internet is awash with video proof that sometimes they don't. so "popular mechanics" wanted to find out what really happens when you send holiday packages. we wanted to get inside a package and see how much damage was going on. >> reporter: a team hooked up with a team to outfit packages with specially-made motion sensors. the packages are sent on a cross-country trek from the magazine's offices in new york city to santa monica, california, then to austin, texas, from there back to new york. at each stop, data from the sensors was uploaded to computers to figure out how often your gifts end up on the ground. >> we found that fed ex had an average of around 3.1 drops per shipment. u.p.s. had 2 and the postal service had .5. >> reporter: that's right, good old mr. postman dropped your gifts the least. the postal service isn't
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entirely in the clear. because if it came down to how many times your gifts were flipped upside down -- >> the post office did the most, an average of 12 flips per shipment. >> reporter: what if you write "fragile" on the box? that should make a difference, right? >> for all the carriers, regardless which one, whenever we specifically wrote "fragile" and "this side up," both the drops and the flips increased. >> reporter: increased? >> whoops. >> reporter: how should you send your package this holiday season? >> go with the post office. they were the cheapest and they were the gentlest to the package. >> and we learned those post office needs the money these days. good advice. becky worley reporting. when you stay connected to your kids, they'll stay connected to you. the boys town national hotline can help. call the boys town national hotline at 1-800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) ...or visit us on the web at parenting dot org.
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welcome back, everybody. hate to start "the skinny" off on a sad note but there is some sad news to pass along out of hollywood. we all know this guy, know his face, know his characters. leslie nielsen, the actor, has passed away yesterday about 5:30 in the evening on sunday.
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at the age of 84 he passed away in his florida home after complications of pneumonia. surrounded by his wife and friends. he was 84 years old. we know this guy from "the naked gun" series and back in the 1980 classic "airplane" where he played that hapless doctor, frank derbin in "the naked gun" movies. hilarious, three or four of those movies. he started in the mid '50s in hollywood, a serious actor, was a prankster behind the camera. "airplane" put him out in front as this comedic guy. had this great, great career. i didn't know he was 84 years old but he passed away in florida. we wanted to pay our respects. he had a great career. >> he really did and no doubt his great body of work will live on. obviously a sad time for his family. we send our well-wishers. as we remember a great kind of guy of that era. no doubt. >> absolutely. >> as we approach wednesday which is world aids day, entertainer and singer alicia
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keys is taking the issue to heart. doing something that's a bit unique. she's got some other entertainers along with her, including lady gaga, some people, to sign off of their social media accounts on wednesday until her organization or her charity, keep a child alive, raises $1 million. so they're signing off. but this is huge. because for alicia, she has 2.6 million followers on twitter. as i said, she's not the only one. she's joined by lady gaga, justin timberlake, usher, other celebrities taking part in this campaign. jennifer hudson, ryan seacrest. basically the whole goal is to bring attention to this cause. something else they're doing that's kind of strange is shooting these ads where it has them lying in coffins to signify their digital deaths. >> oh, wow. >> facebook, logging off is kind of a big step for celebrities of that level. >> sure no, doubt. it's really to shock people awake is what she says.
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she hopes that she can do it. >> hopefully she'll raise some money. >> absolutely, good cause. >> lighter note. we never need an excuse to talk about a favorite "world news now" alum, anderson cooper. apparently he did an interview recently with lady gaga. it's going to air at the grammys in a few more months. kind of a -- you know, she's a huge celebrity and i'm sure will be up for many awards. but any-way. he had an interesting omission. one of the interviews took place in london at a pub. there's a picture of the twitter account of those two doing the interview which will air next year. take a listen to what he said. >> we actually ended up the day in a pub in london, drinking jameson. which i've never seen -- i don't really drink. she got me to drink two of them and by the end i was ready to have the interview be over because i really sort of couldn't ask any more questions. >> that's quite a scene. anderson cooper getting a little boozed up with lady gaga over in london. >> anderson cooper drunk?
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>> apparently jameson. nothing over the top but it was still -- he had a few little drinks. that was cool. good for him. that will air the night of the grammys, a.c. and gaga. if your racing thoughts keep you awake... sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness.
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and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. here are some are stories to watch today on abc news. overseas investors have jitters this morning as european finance ministers prepare an $89 billion debt bailout for ireland. it's a day of damage control for secretary of state hillary clinton. she's visiting central asia and the persian gulf region, hoping to stop problems from the online release of diplomatic secrets by wikileaks. and a critical bailout -- ballot recount continues in minnesota where the governors race is undecided between democrat mark dayton and republican tom emmer. finally this half hour, a story to warm your heart for the holidays. when lola gonzales's business fell on hard times she realized
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she had to lay off one of her employees but which one? >> the florida woman did a lot of soul-searching and came up with an extraordinary solution. here's jeremy hubbard. >> i laid myself off approximately six months ago. >> reporter: what did she just say? >> i laid myself off approximately six months ago. >> reporter: after her small background check firm lost clients in the recession, lola gonzales realized she had to let an employee go in order to make ends meet. imagine her staff's surprise when she announced that employee would be her. >> my reaction was to just laugh. because i just thought she was kidding. >> i just think it was very generous, cutting herself off from the company, to save somebody else's job. >> they said, no, who's going to run the business? i said, you are. i'll still be able to provide direction and guidance. i'm always going to be a phone call away. >> reporter: gonzales got another job as a social worker at less than half her old six-figure salary, but her sacrifice has saved her small firm.
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>> she is still very real in the office. her leadership traits are still here. everything that she has taught is still here. >> reporter: wonder how rare gonzales's sacrifice is? one small business trade group says although many business owners stop taking a salary during the economic downturn, they've heard of no one firing themselves. >> as her son, i thought, you know, that's a role model. that's somebody that i really need to look at. to model my life after. someone that's so selfless. you don't hear about that nowadays. >> because i have not taken a salary, we've been able to reinvest into the business. >> reporter: a reinvestment that led to giving her eight loyal employees a little holiday surprise. >> actually, they got a small bonus this year. not what they used to get but they got something, token of appreciation. because we've had a rough year. >> reporter: jeremy hubbard, abc news, new york. >> wow. not a bad boss at all, huh? >> no, no doubt, definitely a different tune than a lot of the private jets that ceos are using and laying off people. it's interesting. >> nice to see that kind of
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korean crisis. the military drills and today's tension. >> w > we're very focused on int. aint. >> the threatening situation. terror attempt. how federal agents prevented a holiday tragedy by tracking down y tragedy by trackin and, comical cop. funny man leslie nielsen's most leslieble roles. it's monday, november 29th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." d to beliard to believe that r witho longer with us, leslie nielsen passssg away last night nielsen passin at his home in florida. at his home bers him asmembers him as the seriou hysterical cop in "the
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naked gun" series. >> serious but silly at the same time. that's what made it so funny. it was a fun moment to relive some of his work. obviously it's a sad day for his family and friends and we'll ly and friends in a bit. >> good morning, everybody, i'm ab nelson. >> i'm mike marusarz sitting in for vinita nair. the u.s. and south korea are for outh korea ared show of force d showorning as they enter the r the day of war games. ofit is prompting north korea to threaten another "merciless ttack." ."ex marquardt reports on the escalating tension from seoul. >> reporter: fighter jets >> reporter: t nding at sea. ne of the u.s. u.s. and south korea's joint military exercises. exercises that north korea says have brought this region to the rink of war. the chairman of the joint chiefs says the goal is deterring says north korean korean attack. >> we're very focused on restraint and not letting this thing get out of control. thing ge >> reporter: as the jets landed, >> reporter: as th south koreans were running for south koreans we korean artillery. korean yeonpyeong island, the
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island that was attacked here on uesday, they huddled in bomb shelters until the word came the sound of guns they heard from the north, seven miles away, ilre thankfully not another attack. another a relief but a stark reminder of of fear still felt here after feltssault that killed four people. the assa south korean media also reported south that the north had positioned surface-to-air missiles along the coastline border. border.ships are keeping their ir tance from north korea, training just under 100 miles away. e and epe and expect that china, china,korea's only real ally, will intervene. will in haveey have said to me, we have no problem with a divided korea stable.that it's unstable. allwe're going to do all we can to keep north korea from either to k imploding or exploding. imploding exploding. : senior chinese officials came to seoul urging calm. ut south korea's president asked them to do more to bring s divided peninsula.d peninsula. alex marquardt, abc news, seoul, south korea. congressional lawmakers are congre back to work this morning after
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the thanksgiving break. the thanksgi efinitelydefinitely had a very full plate. benefits benefits for the long-term unemployed are set to expire tomorrow. s also the questiohe question of hether to extend those controversial bush tax cuts. also on the agenda, that nuclear the y with russia. as well as the military's don't sk, don't tell policy. and then on wednesday, the ommission s deficit commission toexpected to recommend some pretty drastic cults to balance the nation's budget. we asked our senior washington for a rick kline for a preview. >> it's going to be difficult to >> i get republicans and democrats on onrd. democrats don't feel like they incen lot of incentive to come to the table with republicans to the t right now in the wake of the idterm losses. republicans feel emboldened in feel emboldenn. things will be different in be different in president obama won't have a democratic congress won't have a all throughout, and john boehner's going to be in a position of leadership. the onus is going to start with position of lead he president who's got another two years now under republican control of the house. a lot a lot of folks looking for him tomove to the center. democrats are going to be eyeing s are going to there could be a revolt in the that
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democratic ranks if he moves too he. for john boehner, the white house certainly hopes republicans have more republic responsibility for governance now that they're going to be in thatter that going here's not a lot of the incentive they see based on these last election results coming to the table with president obama. these last elect results >> we could get a better read on the situation after tomorrow's meeting between president obama and the new republican leadership. some of the government's most private dispatches are now public after a new leak of hundreds of thousands of diplomatic documents. those documents often provide an unflattering view of america's most valued allies. jim sciutto has the details from london. >> reporter: there are unflattering views of key u.s. allies. russian president vladamir putin mockingly called the alpha dog. french president nicolas sarkozy, the emperor with no clothes. the real damage may be to those we call allies in the fight against terrorism. afghan president hamid karzai described as driven by paranoia. his brother, believed to lie
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when it suits his needs. there's that revelation about yemen's president, agreeing to lie about u.s. air strikes in his country. will that hamper the u.s. counter-terror effort there going forward? for wikileaks' founder julian assange, the question is what he believes the revelations will accomplish. one we raised with him during a documents release earlier this year. what drives you? >> defending victims. and i'm a combative person so i like crushing bastards. so it is deeply personally -- personally deeply satisfying to me. >> reporter: u.s. officials argue the release will actually eate more victims. dissidents, local leaders, diplomats who the white house says are working to end wars. wars that assange himself opposes. and so, these officials say, he is actually working against his own stated goal. jim sciutto, abc news, london. three missing little boys from michigan were the focus of a prayer vigil in their hometown.
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neighbors and loved ones silently filed into the united methodist church to pray for the safe return of tanner, alexander, and andrew skelton. the boys disappeared on the same day their father tried to kill himself. he claims to have given the children to a woman he met online. but the police can't confirm the woman even exists. now a bizarre story here. police in york, pennsylvania, are investigating a case of possible child endangerment. they say a couple has concealed the existence of their five children who range in age from 2 to 13. they lived in a ramshackle house that had no heat, electricity or even running water, a situation found out. d neighbors when they >> i think it's terrible. as a parent, i couldn't put my kid in that situation. i wouldn't. there are shelters. they needed to go. >> if you're aware of a situation where you feelel child is at risk or children are at risk, we encourage you to give us as much information as you can.
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>> police also say the children had no birth certificates, schooling, or evidence of any medical care. both parents are now under arrest charged with five felony counts of child endangerment. the teenager charged with plotting to set up a car bomb in portland, oregon, has a date today in federal court. and the fbi is now offering a $10,000 reward for another crime investigators say was committed in retaliation against the suspect. linsey davis has the details. >> reporter: the mosque where mohamed osman mohamud worshipped was damaged by fire. all police will say at this point is that it was arson. in legal documents, undercover fbi agents say the 19-year-old mohamud had been thinking about committing violent jihih since the age of 15. mohamud is accused of trying to explode what he thought was a car bomb at friday night's christmas tree lighting ceremony in portland, oregon. >> even after he was cautioned by the undercover agents, undercover officers, that there would be women and children
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involved, he made very clear that he was very determined to undertake an attack. >> reporter: but friends say they never observed anything to indicate mohamud had a radical side. people who went to school with him described the somali-born teen as quiet, smart and polite. some question why the fbi would pursue someone without the resources or ability to carry out such an attack alone. >> someone with a mindset like this gentleman, the concern is he'd just go to somebody else. and eventually he might find real bad guys who are willing to supply him with bombs and to carry out some horrible act. >> reporter: mohamud's case was a classic sting similar to those which netted one of the terrorists recently in dallas, illinois, and last month in washington, d.c. >> there's no question that stopping people like mr. mohamud, tells the rest of the world that want to be terrorists, if you think about these things and take action to do them, we're going to come after you. >> reporter: a message they hope will keep us all safer.
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linsey davis, abc news, new york. in lighter news now, the promise of some rock-bottom deals is expected to lure a record 107 million shoppers on this cyber monday. 17% of americans are likely to shop on the web today. many retailers are using direct e-mails to promote all their discounts with online spending up 13% this month, consumer experts say deals will stick around throughout the holiday season. >> looks like clear weather online for your shopping online today. here's the rest of your monday forecast. severe weather from houston to shreveport to memphis. heavy rain around st. louis, des moines, madison, minneapolis. blowing snow in the dakotas. light mountain snow across colorado, wyoming, and utah. a half foot of snow in the cascades. rain in seattle and portland. >> meanwhile, 30s in albuquerque and colorado springs. indianapolis 52. detroit 45. fargo 30. 48 here in n n york. 45 in atlanta.
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and a warm 83 in miami. that sounds nice. the grinch may have stolen christmas for a south florida woman but it looks like santa claus has stepped in to take it back. >> carrie ann brown bought three computers and other presents while waiting outside a best buy for more than 24 hours. she locked them in her car, then someone smashed her window and swiped the gifts. >> in comes a new york businessmama a complete stranger. he saw the story on the news and offered to give brown $1,000 to redo her shopping. don't put the stuff in the car. >> that's the moral of that story. but good samaritans still exist, good to hear. >> ended well. >> more news after this. keep you awake...
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sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, ininuding risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta.
4:14 am
hello, you're watching "world news now." >> that was actor leslie nielsen on "world news now" back in 1995. he was reading a script written for one of our very first anchors, thalia assuras. >> sadly nielsen died yesterday after a 60-year career that included some of the most popular movie spoofs ever, including these. take a look. >> "police squad!" in color. starring leslie nielsen. >> my name is sergeant frank drebin. detective lieutenant police squad. a special detail of the police department. there's been a recent wave of gorgeous fashion models found naked and unconscious in laundromats on the west side.
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unfortunately i was assigned to investigate holdups at neighborhood credit unions. >> what the hell's going on up there? >> does anybody on board know how to fly a plane? >> can you fly this plane and land it? >> surely you can't be serious. >> i am serious. and don't call me shirley. ♪ woke up this morning feeling fine ♪ ♪ had something special on my mind ♪ >> you want this, chief? >> yes, thank you, al. there's something on the side of your mouth, al. no, no. the other side. ♪ something tells me i'm into something good ♪ >> excuse me. all right, move on. nothing to see here. please stay calm. nothing to see here. please. ♪ something tells me i'm into something good ♪
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>> wow, what a funny guy. so many classic movies and a little-known fact about him. >> i didn't realize but after he graduated around 17, he was diagnosed as legally deaf. he actually had to wear hearing aids most of his life. >> that's incredible. >> he joined the royal canadian air force early on around 17. >> he was a serious actor at first. his big breakout movie was 1980, a movie we all know and love, "airplane." check out the full interview we did with him in 1995 on "world news now" on facebook. check out leslie nielsen died of complications, sadly, from pneumonia at a hospital near his home in ft. lauderdale.
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passed away today, last night i should say, at the age of 84.
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all right. it is time for our usual monday football stuff. >> i must say it's a little quiet in here today. >> wonder why. that's because the legendary willis is off this morning. as we resume he is in mourning, though. we'll get to that in just a second. first, of course, the highlights. mike, kick us off. >> we start with green bay at atlanta. huge nfc matchup. a game that looked like it might be going into overtimemehen packers quarterback aaron rodgers threw a ten-yard touchdown pass with under a minute to go. but this was atlanta at home with quarterback matt ryan at the controls. he brought the falcons down the field for a game-winning field goal. it was good.
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the falcons win it 20-17, rob. they are 19-1 at home with ryan as the starting quarterback. a tough team in the division there. >> my team's arch rival, man. don't worry, who dat nation will catch up with them soon enough. it pains me to tell you about a win for willis' new york giants. never heard d them. here we go. big blue was down 17-6 at the half. but the giants defense rose up in the second half of the game and a 32-yard td pass from eli manning to kevin boss gave the g-men the lead for good. giants pulled this one -- it was a good game at the end. final score on this one, 24-20. >> all right, we take you to chicago where the bears hosted the eagles. check out quarterback jay cutler. look at this, he threw for 247 yards. >> wow. >> four touchdown passes. fantasy. racked up a lot of points with him. the bears' fourth straight win, and moved chicago a game ahead of green bay in the nfc north. the bears end the eagles'
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three-game win streak. final score, chicago 31, philadelphia 26. they were able to contain michael vick very effectively. >> he actually threw his first interception like in four years. crazy stat there. finally the baltimore ravens were hosting tampa bay. ravens quarterback flacco connected for two touchdowns and that was enough to run baltimore's home win streak to five games this season. the bucs had not defeated a team with a winning record. they fall on the road. baltimore wins this one 17-10. >> let me take the rock. very effective, i like that. let me tell you what all this means for the little competition going on around here these days. we mentioned willis is in mourning. that's why he's not here today. >> it gives me great pleasure to announce willis is no longer in sole possession of first place. vinita with a 4-0 performance this week moves into a tie for the lead. all she's been doing is picking the home team. that's her whole strategy. they're all followed by me.
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still in last place, diane sawyer. >> here's a peek at the numbers. they are right there. willis and vinita neck and neck at the top, 22-10. >> jack is a game back. i am now two games off of the pace. and diane is still the back of the pack. she explained to folks that the loser here at the end of the staff of "world news now" some food. there's serious overnight grub on the line here. that's what this is all about. >> no doubt. food is important, no doubt. a lot of people will be consumed tonight for the final game of the week, san francisco at arizona. >> big tuition battles on the lineup. pittsburgh and baltimore. jets at new england, another great matchup. >> some of those games are lilily going to be the ones you and other folks here are picking for next week. >> we'll announce what games
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we're picking here friday morning. be sure to which can it out then as we head into the home stretch of the season. things are getting tight. coming up, sticker shock at the christmas tree lot. and a money-making idea that might surprise you. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, ininuding risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness.
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4:25 am
world news now delivers your "morning papers." >> and welcome back, everybody. time for a look at your "morning papers." and you know, in a recession you've got to get creative. >> right. i've got to get that. >> you lose something? >> go ahead. >h, are you all right? >> yeah, yeah. >> just checking. these two guys at university of colorado came up with a brilliant idea. they didn't think about it when they were in college. they were in college. they've launched a new business called hangover helpers. what they do basically is come to -- after a party, come into the house. they will clean up. they will cook you breakfast, bring you food, gatorade, hangover remedies. 15 bucks per roommate will do this.
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this guy had a tough time finding a job after he graduated. called another buddy who was also having a tough time finding work. they got together, now watching their business grow. expected to pick up in the spring. better weather means more parties. we've been asked, are there really people too lazy to clean their house after a party? the answer is yes. they're growing this business. these guys come in and bring you stuff to get over the hangover and clean your pad. great deal. >> the next day, you don't want to clean up. so i hear. from these parties. then people come in and they clean it up. how about that. it's a great business model. people are even asking for specific requests like, can you cook vegetarian meals? or home-cooked meals? >> that's right, that's right. it's going to be a dynamite. >> great market for that. >> let's talk about a different business model. expensive christmas trees. they're popping up in soho. >> of course here in new york. of course. >> an area of manhattan, new york, notoriously one of the most expensive areas in the country. a guy has decided to charge $900. >> whoa.
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>> for a christmas tree that he says is magical, majestic as he says, one of the jumbos is majestic. talking about people that come and buy these trees. he has already sold 40 trees between 12 and 17 feet in height. that's the most expensive is $900. it's $400 to $900. in brooklyn, for instance, you can get similar trees for 150 bucks. >> that seems a little more reasonable. >> and so some people are saying that's outrageous, and why would you pay that? but people are. >> he's saying they're really fresh and that's his big selling point, freshly chopped down. i would not pay that much for christmas trees. >> first of all, my concern is 17 feet high? where the heck are you going to put that thing in manhattan? >> if you have a tree like that you have a big house. put it that way. another story i want to get to here. apparently the water polo team in singapore is in a little bit of trouble. check out the new trunks the team got. the singapore government did not like it, saying it's disrespecting the flag of the country. it's part of the flag there on the trunks.
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after the games in china they're going to get rid of these trunks because they're disrespectful to the nation.
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